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Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, which will be on April 13, 2025. Please join us for a special service, which will being with a celebratory procession and conclude with a dramatic reading of the Passion narrative. Weather permitting, we will gather in front of the Roak House at 10am before processing into the church. 

Holy Week Observances will continue as follows:
*Stations of the Cross - Come at your convenience throughout the week;
*Musical Meditation and SOS Discussion Group - Tuesday, April 15, starting at 6pm;
*Community Meal and Maundy Thursday Service - Thursday, April 17, starting at 5:30pm;
*Good Friday Family Service - Friday, April 18, starting at 12pm;
*Good Friday Liturgy with Solemn Collects - Friday, April 18, starting at 7pm;
*Easter Vigil - Saturday, April 19, starting at 7:30pm;
*Easter Sunday Service - Sunday, April 20, starting at 10am; 
*Easter Egg Hunt and Community Brunch - Sunday, April 20, after the Easter Service.