by Rev. Chris Micklewright
Dear People of Gloria Dei: I write to you before heading out on a trip to visit National Parks in New England for a few weeks. Many of you know that my family loves the National Parks - which makes it such a privilege to serve at a church that is also a National Park Site! I am immensely grateful that our country has prioritized the experience of wonder and beauty in the preservation of the parks. Getting outside and exploring nature is one of my favorite ways of experiencing God's presence. It's so easy for people - and especially for me - to get caught up in a world of ideas. And, since the Reformation, churches have tended to be particularly concerned about theological truth and about whether we have the "right" ideas about God. But when we hike a mountain or swim in the ocean or stare at the stars, we are reminded that God is always bigger and more wonderful than even our best ideas. Truth and theology do matter (indeed, I think they are indispensable), but they are ultimately secondary to the experience of God. So, I encourage you this month to join me in making time to get outside and to experience the wonder of God through the beauty of creation.
Sunday EucharistEvery Sunday at 10:00am Our service is comprised of uplifting music, Episcopal worship and spiritual/biblical teachings. While we are always a work in progress, Gloria Dei strives to be a place where all will feel welcome in faith and spirit. Sunday Services are held in-person at Gloria Dei Church every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Afterwards, join us for coffee and conversation at our Fellowship hour inside Riverside Hall. If you cannot attend in-person, you are welcome to join us on Facebook for the live-stream. For more infomation visit:
Missions CommitteeWednesday, August 7th at 9:00am Would you be interested in brainstorming, discussing, planning and participating in Gloria Dei missions? We plan to meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 9:00 on Zoom. If you would like an email of the zoom link, please contact Jill Duink (jillddd@hotmail.com). Meeting ID: 897 2826 6283 Passcode: 098374 Join Zoom Meeting: Click here to join the Zoom.
Church Kids Adventure ClubAfter 10:00am Sunday Services, August 11 & 25 Every other Sunday, Rev. Chris Micklewright and Carol Jenkins will be leading an adventure on church grounds for kids of all ages. These adventures, which will include things like climbing the bell tower and exploring the graveyard, are a chance to learn about the life of the church, to have some fun, and to talk about faith. Immediately following the 10:00am Sunday service, kids are invited to grab a snack and gather in Riverside Hall while Rev. Chris gets ready, and we will plan to be back at Riverside Hall before noon. Parents are welcome to come along if that helps your kids feel more comfortable. |
U2charistTuesday, September 17th at 6:30pm "The Music of U2 Played Live in the Context of Worship" Join us for a worship service incorporating the music of U2, played by live musicians. For more details on the history of such services, check out the Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U2charist. |
Grow NativesEvery Saturday at 10:00am, Weather Permitting Support local wildlife by cultivating native plants, trees and shrubs at Gloria Dei (Old Swedes') Church National Historic Site.The Friends of Old Swedes, the native garden group started by the Historic Gloria Dei Preservation Corporation, meets every Sunday this spring to beautify the church grounds. This group is open to anyone interested in planting, watering and cultivating native plants. Prior experience is not necessary. Our goal is turn the church grounds into an sustainable and educational garden space by:
10 minutes of prayer on ZoomEvery Monday at 9:00am. (No Meeting September 2nd.) On Mondays at 9:00am, Christine Pickup will lead a ten to fifteen minute prayer. She shares a prepared Powerpoint in the Zoom session. Each session has five components:
She closes with a few minutes of discussion. The Powerpoints are available on demand. Click here to join the Zoom meeting. or use: Meeting ID: 748 3341 8409 Passcode: 8C3fDK |
Vestry MeetingThursday, August 15th Vestry Meetings are usually held in person in the Rectory. Please feel free to talk to Rev. Chris or any Vestry member if you have a topic that you'd like to bring before the Vestry. Zoom options are also available with advance planning. |
Evensong: Musical MeditationOn summer hiatus, resumes Tuesday, September 10th at 6:30pm.
Jazz & JoeOn summer hiatus, returns Thursday, September 26th at 7:30pm. |
August Lectionary
August 4 - Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Exodus 16:2-4,9-15 Collect: Let your continual mercy, O Lord, cleanse and defend your Church; and, because it cannot continue in safety without your help, protect and govern it always by your goodness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. August 11 - Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost 1 Kings 19:4-8 Collect: Grant to us, Lord, we pray, the spirit to think and do always those things that are right, that we, who cannot exist without you, may by you be enabled to live according to your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. August 18 - Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost Proverbs 9:1-6 Collect: Almighty God, you have given your only Son to be for us a sacrifice for sin, and also an example of godly life: Give us grace to receive thankfully the fruits of his redeeming work, and to follow daily in the blessed steps of his most holy life; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. August 25 - Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost Joshua 24:1-2a,14-18 Collect: Grant, O merciful God, that your Church, being gathered together in unity by your Holy Spirit, may show forth your power among all peoples, to the glory of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. |